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N.S. film, TV industry grows [Video]

Nova Scotia News

The Nova Scotia film industry is back on solid ground.

That was confirmed at a legislative committee held in Halifax Tuesday where officials from the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage, confirmed the number of film and TV productions is up.

The landscape and natural beauty the province offers production companies contribute to the solid footing, but a major factor is an improved relationship with the provincial government and competitive financial incentives.

“We are attracting some very large-scale productions here to Nova Scotia and it’s providing some very significant investments,” Christopher shore, associate deputy minister of the Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.

The film industry took a major hit in 2015 when the Nova Scotia Liberal government led by Premier Stephen McNeil cut the film tax credit.

Productions pivoted to other locations in Canada – like Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver – and marked a challenging time for those working in the Nova Scotia …

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