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N.S. news: Stolen bikes returned to owners [Video]

Nova Scotia News

Halifax Regional Police is looking to identify the owners of dozens of recently recovered bikes and scooters.

Gobinda Khadka is one of those owners. Within the past two weeks, he had three of his bikes stolen.

“It was stolen from my parking spot. It’s an apartment, like indoor parking, but somebody from the outside trespassed, and then they stole my three bikes,” said Khadka.

On Tuesday, he was able to get one of them back — just a day after police put out a notice saying officers recovered 40 bicycles, scooters, and parts.

“We haven’t seen anything of that magnitude in quite a while. That’s why we’re reaching out to the public,” said Const. John MacLeod.

He said they were found in the Barrington Street area near the Macdonald Bridge onramp.

“We know that we believe most of these have been stolen, and we are reaching out to the public to see if …

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