Nova Scotia News

N.S. woman plans surgery in United States after winning court case against province [Video]

A Nova Scotia woman who fought to have the provincial government pay for out-of-country treatment for a painful leg condition is preparing for surgery in New Jersey.

Jennifer Brady won her appeal before the Nova Scotia Supreme Court last fall after a years-long battle, drawing a public apology from the premier over how the province handled her case.

Her condition — lymphedema — causes tissue to swell from the accumulation of fluids normally drained through the body’s lymphatic system. Brady’s lymphedema occurred after her lymph nodes were removed during a radical hysterectomy in 2019 to treat cervical cancer.

The 47-year-old Halifax resident says the planned treatment gives her hope, though she realizes there are still unknowns about its effectiveness, and many months of recovery lie ahead of her.

“I can now imagine a time when I can take my children to the beach for a full day, or take them to Ontario without having to limit the trip,” she …

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