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NASA Tracking Bus-Sized Asteroid Approaching Earth Today [Video]

Canadian National News

NASA is tracking a bus-sized asteroid zipping past the Earth at nearly 16,000 miles per hour today.

The asteroid, known as “2025 DM7,” is estimated to be about 42 feet across and soared past our planet this morning at a distance of about 294,000 miles, according to NASA‘s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).

The space rock could be anywhere between around 33 and 72 feet in diameter, noted the JPL’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS).

2025 DM7 is not the only asteroid within the vicinity of our planet today. Another bus-sized space rock, “2025 DT24,” also skimmed past the Earth this morning.

And two airplane-sized asteroids—”2025 DT4″ and “2025 DG3,” each measuring around 100 feet across—are expected to make a close approach later today, according to CNEOS.

A stock image showing an illustration of an asteroid in outer space near the Earth.iStock / Getty Images Plus

Last month, updated data from CNEOS showed that the impact probability of the asteroid …

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