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NB Liquor stores still only taking cash 1 week after potential cyber attack – New Brunswick [Video]

Canadian National News

New Brunswick Liquor (NB Liquor) stores are still scrambling to restore their point-of-sale systems one week after a “potential cyber attack” on its computer systems.

The Crown corporation said its stores were shut down last Wednesday to protect customers and operations from the security threat.

Stores reopened a day later, accepting cash transactions.

In an update on Monday, the corporation said it is still unable to accept debit, credit or gift cards.

Cannabis NB stores are also impacted.

“We expect the full recovery of our systems to take well into this week. We continue to accept cash transactions only in stores,” the statement read.

“We are fully aware of the impact this situation is having on our customers, business partners, and suppliers and apologize for any inconvenience.”

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The investigation into the attack is ongoing.

Alcool NB Liquor (ANBL) is the provincial Crown corporation, which operates NB Liquor and Cannabis NB. The corporation is responsible for the purchase, importation, distributions and retail sales of all …

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