Canadian National News

NDP motion calling on Canada to recognize ‘State of Palestine’ [Video]

Members of Parliament will vote Monday on a motion from the federal New Democrats, calling on Canada to recognize the “State of Palestine,” among a range of other calls to action in regards to the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict.

The NDP opposition day motion, while non-binding, is already generating considerable attention and division among MPs.

It calls for nine steps the federal government should take, including demanding an immediate ceasefire and the release of all hostages; suspending the trade of all military goods with Israel while doing more to stop illegal arms trade to Hamas; and advocating for an end to the occupation of Palestinian territories.

The motion also implores the Canadian government to lift the 1,000-person limit on temporary resident visas for Palestinians looking to flee Gaza; ban extremist settlers from Canada; and maintain Canada’s recognition of Israel’s right to exist and to live in peace with its neighbours.

Overall, it is the …

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