Canadian National News

Nearly half Ontario residents are severely concerned about population growth [Video]

A newly released study has investigated the issue of population growth to see if it will impact how Canadians (and Ontarians) will likely vote in the future.

Researchers at Abacus Data, a Canadian research firm, surveyed a pool of Nova Scotia voters preparing for their upcoming provincial election on Nov. 26.

The primary area of study was voter perceptions on population growth.

Abacus researchers noted that Nova Scotia’s population has grown substantially in the past decade — citing thousands of newcomers to the province from Canada and abroad.

Due to this logged uptick in new arrivals to the Atlantic province, population growth has become a major concern, with 77 per cent of respondents indicating the issue will affect their vote at the end of the month.

When compared to the rest of Canada — this metric is not unusual — as most provinces are in agreement.

When it comes to …

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