Saskatchewan News

Neck guard discussions emerge following hockey player’s near fatal accident [Video]

Discussions around neck guards being mandatory for hockey players have come to the forefront after a senior hockey player in east-central Saskatchewan was involved in a near fatal accident on Dec. 7.

Cole Cusitar, a forward and captain of the Churchbridge Imperials, is recovering after he was struck in the neck and face by a skate during a game between the Imperials and Esterhazy Flyers.

“A near fatal experience is more than enough for me to understand what needs to be done,” Cusitar explained.

Since the incident, questions about hockey players, of all ages, wearing neck guards have circulated, especially for Cusitar.

“Going forward, me personally, I will support the neck guard and wear one from here on out,” he said.

“Would it have changed maybe the outcome here? I don’t know. The cut was a little bit higher, than anticipated at the start. It’s up to the players and …

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