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Netherlands Issues US Travel Warning, Belgium Set To Follow [Video]

Canadian National News

The Netherlands and Belgium are the latest two European countries moving to update their travel advice for the United States for LGBTQ+ citizens and all people traveling to the U.S.

The Dutch foreign ministry has warned that U.S. customs and laws regarding sexual minorities may differ from those in the Netherlands.

Belgium is also set to update its advice soon due to “tightened border controls” and new challenges for LGBTQ+ people, according to reports.

The announcements come after several other European countries and Canada updated their travel guidance for the U.S. in recent days, citing transgender rights and difficulties at the border.

The Netherlands and Belgium are the latest two European countries moving to update their travel advise for the United States for LGBTQ+ citizens. Michael Conroy/AP

The Netherlands

The Dutch foreign ministry’s travel advice portal still marks the U.S. as a safe country to visit but tells people belonging to a sexual minority: “Please note that laws and customs in the …

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