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New Kehewin language program opens to help preserve Plains Cree language [Video]

First Nations News

A new First Nations immersive language program inspired is looking to help preserve Plains Cree, a dialect of the Cree language.

The program, called a “language nest,” is a non-classroom space for fluent Plains Cree speaking elders and knowledge keepers from the local community to interact with and help children learn the language in their formative years.

The grand opening of the Kakewetotamak Kinehiyawinaw Language Nest recently took place on Dec. 18 in the Kehewin Cree Nation, located 235 kilometres northeast of Edmonton. The language nest’s name translate to “bringing our language home.” 

Melissa Paul, the Cree language revitalization developer for the new language nest, said that revitalization of the Cree language is essential to uphold the identity and culture of the Kehewin community.

“Without language, we won’t have culture. So, it’s very important to keep that up and maintain it, and start it while they’re young,” Paul said.

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