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A New York Times columnist embarked on a devastating takedown of cable news networks over the weekend – for what he painted as ‘over-politicized’ content.
The comments came in during a panel discussion with PBS NewsHour, where Times columnist David Brooks welcomed progressive networks’ flagging ratings as a sign of a needed shift in most Americans’ mindsets.
Remarking first how he was ‘thrilled’ by the phenomenon, the 63-year-old Canadian-born journalist set out on an explanation, claiming people were likely avoiding their televisions in droves simply because they’re tired of over-politicization.
The assertion was aired after host Lisa Desjardins pointed out the program had found that the political word of the year had been ‘exhaustion’ – after asking viewers and readers for a specific term.
The rest of Brooks’ spiel appeared to take aim at identity politics – something that’s become increasingly prevalent on networks like CNN and MSNBCover the …