Artis Pabriks cautions Canadians against ignoring matters of defence and security
Artis Pabriks cautions Canadians against ignoring matters of defence and security
Double Trouble – Reflections from GLOBESEC: Jonathan Berkshire Miller, Marcus Kolga, and Alexander Lanoszka

Newfoundland fishers interrupt environment ministers’ event [Video]

Canadian National News

Newfoundland fishers interrupt environment ministers’ event

About a dozen fishers interrupted a news conference with the country’s environment ministers in St. John’s to demand the federal government reinstate a 32-year moratorium on commercial cod fishing in the province. Fisher Glen Winslow took over the podium to make his demands. (July 10, 2024)

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Double Trouble: Reflections from GLOBESEC
Double Trouble: Reflections from GLOBESEC
America must beware the perils of isolationism: Derek Burney in the National Post