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Obesity in Canada: Confronting the epidemic and its impacts [Video]

Canadian National News

Event summary produced by The Globe and Mail Events team. The Globe’s editorial department was not involved.

In 2022, approximately 30 per cent of adults in Canada were living with obesity according to data from Statistics Canada. Despite these figures, access to care is hampered by stigma and a long-held view that obesity is a lifestyle choice versus a chronic illness. Factors such socioeconomic status, gender, and regional differences also play a role. On March 4, 2025, The Globe and Mail hosted an event addressing barriers and solutions for a healthier nation.

The event opened with a presentation from Sandra Elia, the chair of Obesity Matters. Elia shared her personal experience and shed light on the emotional struggles of living with obesity, and what support and treatment can look like.

Next, André Picard hosted a fireside chat on the impact of socio-economic status, gender and regional differences on obesity, and …

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