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Canada in the global energy transition: Alexander Dalziel and Heather Exner-Pirot
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OC Transpo’s Transit Operations Centre: Here’s a rare look inside [Video]

Ontario News

When major events come to the nation’s capital or when harsh weather slams the city, the dozens of staff members inside OC Transpo’s Transit Operations Control Centre (TOCC) jump into action.

“We have a very dedicated, very professional team of rail controllers, bus controllers, special constable unit controllers here doing everything they can, everything we can, to minimize those disruptions,” said Brad Tubman, manager of the TOCC.

“In a typical month, we would get about 35,000 calls just on the bus side from bus operators into the bus control section. During a snowstorm, that would really increase and there could be thousands of calls per day into the control room.”

Tubman says they typically have about seven controllers taking all those calls during a time when demand is at its highest.

He adds, communications coordinators are also hard at work to meet the demand.

“The interactions are very quick. They …

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