Ontario News

Olympics 2024: Canada soccer coach likely aware of spying, COC says [Video]


Canada Soccer chief executive officer Kevin Blue said he was investigating a potential “systemic ethical shortcoming” within the program but has not considered pulling the women’s soccer team from the Paris Olympics due to a drone spying scandal.

Blue appeared on a 30-minute video call with media on Friday, hours after the federation suspended head coach Bev Priestman from the Games.

The defending Olympic champs defeated New Zealand 2-1 on Thursday, a day after two Canadian staff members were sent home after reports a drone was used to spy on New Zealand practices on two occasions before the tournament opener.

Blue said he has not considered a team withdrawal, primarily because “we feel like we have addressed the situation swiftly and significantly.”

“It would be to the detriment of our players who have worked so hard and sacrificed quite a bit to be Olympians and (they) have not engaged in …

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