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Combatting Disinformation: The Importance of Partnership between Japan and Canada
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Ontario parties are promising family doctors for all. Compare the plans [Video]

Canadian National News

All the main parties in the Ontario election campaign are promising to ensure everyone in the province has access to a family doctor. 

For the voters who care deeply about this issue, the question of which party can turn the promise into reality will likely be top of mind when election day comes on Feb. 27. 

So what are the parties promising?

First some conext:

Some 2.5 million Ontarians don’t have a family doctor or regular access to any other primary care provider, such as a nurse practitioner. That leaves them waiting in walk-in clinics when they get sick, or turning to hospital emergency rooms if they have no other options. 

Projections suggest another three million Ontarians will lose their family doctor to retirement in the next few years. 

That’s the precise situation that Louise Lee and her family have faced for two years, since their longtime family doctor announced plans to retire. 

“We had people looking online for us. …

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