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OPP shut down illegal cannabis storefront [Video]

Canadian National News

Essex County OPP have shut down an illegal cannabis storefront in Leamington and seized $13,500 in products.

One person was arrested for offences under the Criminal Code and Cannabis Act .

On Nov. 6, the Essex County OPP Community Street Crime Unit (CSCU), with assistance from the OPP-led Provincial Joint Forces Cannabis Enforcement Team (PJFCET), executed a search warrant at the illegal cannabis storefront operating under the name “Island Fire Cannabis”.

As a result of the search warrant, investigators seized quantities of illegal dried cannabis and other illegal cannabis products, including edibles, shatter and vape cartridges. The illegal cannabis and cannabis products have an estimated value of $13,500.

Police say only the purchase of cannabis through the Ontario Cannabis Store or an Ontario-authorized, licensed retail store is legal. The purchase of cannabis products from unauthorized dealers is against the law.

The storefront has been shut down and will be held …

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