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Ottawa deploys mosquito-killing drones to prevent spread of West Nile virus [Video]

Canadian National News

Richard Trudel, scientific advisor with GDG Environment, says the drones can carry a significant amount of larvicide and are very efficient in getting it where it needs to be to cut down on mosquitoes in Ottawa.

For once, that buzzing sound in your ear this summer might not be a mosquito, but part of Ottawa Public Health’s (OPH) multi-faceted strategy to keep the insects — and the potentially dangerous viruses they can carry — in check.

The public health agency is deploying drones capable of carrying and dispersing larvicides to kill mosquitoes.

The technology is supplied and operated by GDG Environment. Richard Trudel, a scientific adviser for the company, says bigger areas require bigger drones.

The company’s larger drone is capable of spreading larvicide in a six-metre radius, and can reach areas that would typically would be difficult to access.

“It’s really sophisticated, it’s very efficient. It’s meant to blow …

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