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Ottawa parents concerned over proposed phase out of some OCDSB special needs courses [Video]

Ontario News

Eastern Ontario’s largest school board is making some major changes to how elementary students will learn in both English and French, but the new model could also mean the end of nearly 40 specialized classes, including special needs programs.

It’s a process the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) started last spring when the school board launched a program review of its elementary programs. Some parents say they’re skeptical if students with special needs will be adequately supported in a mainstream classroom.

Parents like Tia Wathra say after struggling in kindergarten, her daughter Zara is now thriving in Grade 1 thanks to a specialized classroom that supports her needs.

“She has a rare disease and a lot of needs in different areas, so this was the first year that she met other children like her,” Wathra said.

“They’re getting help with various like simple things that maybe other kids her age could already do but she needs a …

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