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P.E.I.’s post-secondary students struggling without government support, says student union [Video]

Prince Edward Island News

Members of UPEI’s Student Union told MLAs on Thursday that their classmates are struggling and worry about finding jobs after school. They say government can help. CBC’s Sheehan Desjardins reports.

Post-secondary students on P.E.I. are struggling and need more support from the government to be able to meet their needs, members of UPEI’s student union say. 

Union members presented six recommendations to MLAs at the standing committee on education and economic growth on Thursday. 

“These recommendations aren’t only about education. They’re also really to sustain the future of P.E.I. and ensure that the economy keeps going and developing… by retaining young talent,” said Shreesh Agrawal, vice president of UPEI’s student union. 

While the supports currently in place are appreciated, they aren’t enough to meet the needs of students, Agrawal said. 

‘I was scared coming into it but it went very well,’ says Shreesh Agrawal, vice president of UPEI’s student union. …
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