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P.E.I. students dealing with anxiety forming a deeper trust with school well-being teams, says social worker [Video]

Prince Edward Island News

Anxiety is the most common reason Island students are turning to well-being teams in schools, says a social worker involved with a P.E.I. support program.

“That’s kind of the bread and butter of social workers and nurses,” said Grace McCarvill, a student well-being social worker and team lead for the Bluefield family of schools. 

Well-being teams are in place in schools across the Island to provide students with support for mental, social or physical health issues. 

They include social workers, registered nurses, outreach workers and family support workers, according to the province’s website. 

More teens are facing anxiety than previous generations — it’s one of the most common problems that people who work with youth see. We hear from Grace McCarvill, a social worker, about how to help students deal with that anxiety and other challenges they face.

The teams have a physical presence at each school, as well as …

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