An anglophone family from Quebec’s Lower North Shore believes the province is jeopardizing their daughter’s recovery from a traumatic brain injury with its plan to send her to a hospital in Quebec City.
A family from Quebec’s Lower North Shore believes the province is jeopardizing their 10-year-old daughter’s recovery from a traumatic brain injury and violating her right to be served in English during rehabilitation.
McKenna Jones Griffin was in an off-road vehicle accident in mid-August near Blanc Sablon, Que. Her injuries were so severe, her survival depended on being transferred to a larger medical centre. But Quebec’s medevac service was not available.
“It was crucial that she get out quickly,” said McKenna’s mom, Dena-Marie Jones Maurice.
A search-and-rescue helicopter from Newfoundland picked up McKenna and took her to the Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre in St. John’s. The first 72 hours were touch and go, but McKenna made …