Foreign interference is an existential threat to Canada: Christian Leuprecht / MLI in Parliament
Foreign interference is an existential threat to Canada: Christian Leuprecht / MLI in Parliament
Minister misses the mark with controversial CHRC appointment: David L. Thomas in iPolitics

Pasadena steps up to support Octavias Bookshelf NBC Los Angeles [Video]

First Nations News

When Nikki High opened Octavia’s Bookshelf in Pasadena in February of last year, she was looking to create a community space for Black, Indigenous and POC readers and writers.

Named after the famed science fiction writer Octavia Butler, who was born and raised in Pasadena, the bookstore quickly grew into a community space, particularly the local Black community. 

High not only used the store as a space to explore books, but also as a place to host teach-ins, group discussions and children’s readings. But navigating the indie bookstore business is not an easy task. 

According to High, even in the best of times, profit margins are razor thin, especially with books becoming a luxury good as prices continue to rise. High said that she had applied for and been denied multiple loans before finally turning to the community for support.

“Octavia’s Bookshelf is a place that is needed because it’s just a peaceful habitat, a place …

Canada's Indo-Pacific Strategy in a quickly changing world / Jeff Kucharski / MLI in Parliament
What does the St. Paul’s byelection result mean for the Conservatives?: William Watson in the Financial Post