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Phillippe Lake closed due to suspected blue-green algae bloom [Video]

Ontario News

Two Gatineau Park beaches at Phillippe Lake are closed on Sunday due to the detection of harmful blue-green algae in the water.

The National Capital Commission’s website shows Breton Beach and Parent Beach are closed. Smith Beach had already been closed for the season due to rehabilitation of the Phillippe Lake campground.

An NCC spokesperson could not confirm exactly when the beach will reopen, though said it would likely be “in the coming days.”

Drivers in the area are being redirected.

There is no impact to other NCC-run beaches, including Meech Lake, Leamy Lake and La Pêche Lake.

Blue-green algae, also known as cyanobacteria, is potentially toxic to humans and animals in large quantities. It thrives in slow moving or still waters with high nutrient concentrations, particularly when temperatures are high.

Direct contact can cause skin irritation and ingestion of infected water …

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