Artis Pabriks cautions Canadians against ignoring matters of defence and security
Artis Pabriks cautions Canadians against ignoring matters of defence and security
Ontario pivots to a more humane treatment of addiction: Lori Regenstreif and Chris Milburn in the National Post

Police warn against misuse of toy ‘Orbeez guns’ [Video]

Nova Scotia News

Eastern North Carolina police are warning residents about the potential dangers of “Orbeez guns” or “gel blasters.” The toys fire water-absorbing beads, which can cause serious injury or property damage when frozen.A surveillance video from a Roanoke Rapids neighborhood shows a group of teenagers driving by and firing off an Orbeez gun. (See video above by WRAL reporter Heidi Kirk.)”It’s to the point, my kids don’t even want to go outside,” Lara Farmer, a Roanoke Rapids resident, said.She said this has been happening in her neighborhood for over a year, causing property damage and frightening her children. “My daughter and her best friend have been shot multiple times by him,” Farmer said. Roanoke Rapids police recently released a Facebook post to inform the public that they are taking action. “They’re made to be toys, but toys are only toys if you use them as toys,” Halifax County Sheriff Tyree Davis …

Canada's troops in Latvia / Balkan Devlen, Alexander Lanoszka, and Toms Rostoks
What should a Conservative climate policy look like? Hopefully Alberta’s: Heather Exner-Pirot in the Hub