ROME – An introspective Pope Francis has divulged some of the behind-the-scenes dynamics of the secret 2013 conclave that elected him pope and the resistance he has encountered ever since, in his autobiography being released Tuesday that also doubles down on some of his more controversial decisions as pontiff.
“Hope: The Autobiography” was only supposed to be published after Francis’ death. But at his own request, the book is hitting bookshelves now in more than 80 countries to coincide with the start of the church’s Holy Year.
Its publishers say it’s the first autobiography ever written by a sitting pope, though Francis has collaborated with plenty of other memoir-type books before, and much of his papacy and personal backstory are already well known.
But “Hope” does provide personal insights into how history’s first Latin American pope interprets his childhood in Buenos Aires and how it has informed his priorities as pope. Drawn from conversations over …