Not one veteran’s headstone in Edmonton’s Beechmount Cemetery will be without a poppy this Remembrance Day.
Hundreds of Edmonton students helped the No Stone Left Alone (NSLA) organization lay poppies at Beechmont on Monday during the group’s National Remembrance Ceremony.
It was the 14th time Beechmont hosted the ceremony.
NSLA says its mission is to keep the legacy of Canada’s veterans alive by educating and engaging youth.
In 2023, more than 11,000 students from 200 communities honoured veterans in remembrance events in nine countries.
“I would like you all to think about how you and other young people just like you enjoy the lives you lead thanks to our women and men in uniform. You are free to learn and to create whatever future you imagine for yourselves, regardless of your culture, gender, ethnicity or religion. You are free to live in peace. Our women and men in uniform have bravely stepped forward to serve throughout history to create …