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Premier hopes identification of remains found at landfill helps family move on [Video]

Manitoba News

Manitoba’s premier says he has spoken with the family of an Indigenous woman murdered by a serial killer, and he hopes the confirmation that her remains have been found during a search at a Winnipeg landfill helps them move forward.

“For so long now, years now, her journey to the next phase with her family being able to grieve her, lay her to rest, have a funeral or however they want to remember (her), has been on hold and disrupted and made the subject of so much public scrutiny,” Wab Kinew told reporters at an event Saturday at an Indigenous resource centre.

“To me, it’s about a grieving family and healing for them.”

A statement from the Manitoba government late Friday confirmed that remains found during a search of the Prairie Green landfill were those of 39-year-old Morgan Harris.

The government statement said another set of remains was part of …

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