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Premier Moe’s approval rating drops slightly since last quarter: poll [Video]

Saskatchewan News

Premier Scott Moe’s approval rating has dropped slightly since the last quarter, according to a new Angus Reid poll.

The poll, released on June 26, shows the premier’s approval at 49 per cent, with 17 per cent strongly approving and 32 per cent moderately approving the premier.

While his rating is only down four percentage points from last quarter, it is farther removed from some highs seen earlier in the term, according to the Angus Reid Institute. 

Moe recently received criticism after not denouncing conspiracy theories, such as chemtrails, at a town hall in Speers, Sask. He later cleared the air to say he doesn’t believe in chemtrails.

However, the government has also made progress in the ongoing contract dispute with Saskatchewan teachers, which could help them going into the next election.

Saskatchewan’s next election will be held on or before Oct. 28, 2024.

Approval of …

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