Canadian National News

Preserving women’s-only spaces in gyms is important for a diverse community seeking wellness [Video]

When my youngest son was born, I struggled with postpartum depression. I had four children under six years old and was completely overwhelmed. I managed to feed, nurture and enjoy my kids even though it was complete chaos and they ate a lot of cheese pizza from the Little Caesar’s across the street in those first few weeks. 

When my youngest was 10 months old, I decided to join a gym. I had always been active and I needed something for me in my life. I couldn’t afford a spa day so my options were limited.

I decided to go to a club in my neighbourhood that was on top of a grocery store. They had an affordable childcare facility for clients and that meant my three younger kids would be looked after while I attended aerobics classes or lifted weights. It became such an essential part of my life and …

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