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Protesting CMHA layoffs | CTV News [Video]

Canadian National News

Mental health advocates rallied to prevent job cuts at Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Thames Valley Thursday afternoon.

Workers and community members who say they depend on CMHA services want the provincial government to provide funding and prevent the layoffs announced on Tuesday.

“We had an increase in our base funding last year from the provincial government, a 5 per cent increase, and it was the first increase that we’ve seen in more than a decade,” said CMHA Thames Valley CEO Pam Tobin. “We don’t anticipate an increase in our budget again this year, and it’s resulted in a shortfall…we have an increased need for services, but we don’t have the funding to keep up with the demand.”

They say CMHA Thames Valley already faces a $2.6 million deficit, requiring further cuts to services.

That will impact patient care access without immediate funding support.

OPSEU President JP Hornick was present for the rally, calling …

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