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Quebec hockey referees speak out about being subjected to violence on the ice [Video]

Quebec News

Warning: the images in this report may be disturbing to some readers. 

Hockey can be a violent sport but it’s not only the players receiving the blows.

In a three-part report, Noovo Info uncovered stories of referees who have been badly injured on the ice, with some suffering scarring, head trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

Many say they’ve been left to fend for themselves.

In the 45 years Ken McLellan has been a hockey referee, he’s seen the level of violence on and off the ice increase.

“A lot more violence is being vented in the arenas because it seems to be one of the only areas that people feel comfortable doing that,” McLellan said in an interview.

Last year, he was on the receiving end of that violence. While refereeing a midget game in Laval, a young player, unhappy with a call, aimed a slapshot directly at Mclellan’s face.

“And that put me down on the ice, which, unfortunately, took me to the …

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