Quebec News

Quebec legislature restaurant backtracks after refusing reservation for church group [Video]

Speaker of the National Assembly Nathalie Roy says it was a “mistake” after a church group was refused when they tried to make dinner reservations at Le Parlementaire, the restaurant at the provincial legislature.

A representative of the group of around 50 people, including a dozen clergy members, submitted an email request to make a reservation. An employee declined in an emailed response, citing the “neutrality” of the National Assembly and describing the gathering as one linked to a “religious movement.”

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday, Roy set out to clarify the restaurant’s rules. She said while religious events such as marriage ceremonies are not permitted at Le Parlementaire, there are no restrictions on group reservations such as the one requested by the members of the Anglican Church.

“Everyone is welcome,” said Roy. She noted that the employee who refused the request had not consulted with a supervisor.

Bruce Myers, …

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