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Quebec Liberals look to revive party as leadership race begins – Montreal [Video]

Quebec News

The Quebec Liberal leadership race kicked off on Monday with candidates picking up endorsements, as the provincial party tries to broaden its appeal after years in the political wilderness.

Four candidates have officially entered the race, including former federal Liberal cabinet minister Pablo Rodriguez; ex-Liberal MP and former Montreal mayor Denis Coderre; Charles Milliard, the former head of the federation of Quebec chambers of commerce; and tax lawyer Marc Bélanger.

On Monday, a potential fifth candidate, sitting Quebec Liberal member Frédéric Beauchemin, announced he was withdrawing from the race to support Rodriguez, whom he said is the one candidate who can unite Quebecers.

Rodriguez, 57, is the likely front-runner, but he carries the baggage of spending nine years in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government. In September he resigned as transport minister and from the Liberal caucus to sit as an Independent in Parliament until the start of the provincial …

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