Quebec News

Quebec police speak to drivers about violence against women [Video]

As part of the 12 days of action to end violence against women, the Quebec provincial police service (SQ) is raising awareness on intimate partner violence by talking to drivers.

SQ officers teamed up with community organizers at an intersection in Longueuil and over 200 other locations in Quebec to hand out pamphlets to drivers on Wednesday.

“They can get help, even if they don’t, press charges,” said SQ lieutenant Caroline Girard.

It is the third year of the initiative, and last year, officers stopped around 50,000 drivers.

Girard said the campaign has been working.

“We go forward to people. We don’t just wait for them to come towards us,” she said.

The 12 days of action leads up to Dec. 6, The National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

On that day, 35 years ago, 14 women were shot and killed at Ecole Polytechnique.

In 2024, there have been 25 femicides in Quebec …

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