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Quebec premier wants to put a stop to prayer in parks and public places – Montreal [Video]

Quebec News

Quebec Premier François Legault says he’s looking at ways to end prayer in public places, including parks, as his government promises to table new legislation to strengthen secularism in schools.

Legault made the comments during a press conference in Quebec City on Friday to mark the end of the fall legislative session. He said he wants to send a “very clear message to Islamists” that Quebec will fight against any disrespect of its fundamental values, including secularism.

The premier said that recent reports of teachers allowing prayers in classrooms and preventing girls from playing sports, which have triggered an outcry in Quebec, are “totally unacceptable.”

“There are teachers who are bringing Islamist religious concepts into Quebec schools,” he said. “I will definitely not tolerate that. We don’t want that in Quebec.”

Legault then went a step further when asked by a reporter if he was also bothered by prayer in …

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