RCMP in Quebec say they recently raided two clandestine drug laboratories in the eastern portion of the province, while also seizing meth and over 200,000 pills and making three arrests.
“The investigation began in April 2024, following a tip received by investigators from the Clandestine Lab Enforcement and Response Team,” Cpl. Erique Gasse told Global News in an email.
He said the labs, which were raided earlier this week, were located at a home in St-Lin-Laurentides, which is about an hour’s drive north of Montreal, and a commercial facility in Sorel, which is about 90 minutes east of the other lab.
“A clandestine laboratory refers to a secret or concealed location where criminals produce or prepare synthetic drugs,” an RCMP release noted. “Clandestine labs can be found in a variety of locations, such as homes, garages and warehouses.”
The operation netted 20,000 meth pills (about 1.5 kg), 180,000 pills of …