Quebec News

Quebec wants 40-hour week for childcare workers [Video]

The Legault government wants childcare workers to work more.

In the midst of negotiations to renew collective agreements, Treasury Board President Sonia LeBel opened up on Wednesday about her demands: 40-hour weeks, rather than the current 32 to 35 hours.

“I would be very happy if we could reach an agreement on a 40-hour week,” she said during question period.

“That would solve a lot of problems for my colleague,” she added, referring to Family Minister Suzanne Roy, who is grappling with labour shortages in the network.

“If the educators’ union says to me, ‘Ms LeBel, we’re signing up for 40 hours,’ I think it will go faster.”

“There are some who work a 40-hour week, so it’s certainly simpler,” added Roy in an interview with The Canadian Press.

The President of the Treasury Board was responding to a Canadian study that gives Quebec’s early childhood education system a less favourable image than that of other provinces.

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