Utopia has unveiled the eagerly awaited trailer for Pascal Plante’s critically acclaimed horror film, Red Rooms. Set for its U.S. theatrical debut, the movie will premiere on Friday, September 6, at the IFC Center in New York, with Plante attending the opening weekend festivities.
Red Rooms marks Plante’s third narrative feature, succeeding Nadia, Butterfly (2020) and Fake Tattoos (2018). The film stars Quebec actors Juliette Gariépy, Laurie Babin, and Maxwell McCabe-Lokos, whose riveting performances have garnered praise on the festival circuit.
The plot revolves around Kelly-Anne, a young woman deeply engrossed in the trial of Ludovic Chevalier, accused of the brutal murders of three teenage girls. The film intricately portrays her morbid obsession with the case and her interactions with other courtroom regulars, delving into the psychological impact on her. As the trial advances, Kelly-Anne’s fixation intensifies, blurring the lines between her reality and her dark preoccupation.
This indie psychological thriller, originally titled Les Chambres Rougesin French, first …