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‘Relaxed and stress-free’: Ring the Bow River to reconnect with nature [Video]

Alberta News

It runs through the heart of the city and the souls of Calgarians.

And now, the Bow River can be reached by speed dial thanks to a popular local art project offering a fresh take on our water source.

Anyone who wants to hear the Bow’s rushing, gurgling and babbling can call 1-855-BOW-LSTN (1-855-269-5786).

Digital ads around Calgary are promoting the campaign.

One Calgarian who regularly walks the banks of the Bow loves the idea because of how she feels when she’s near the river.

“Oh, I’m so relaxed and stress-free,” said Sue Hemlow.

The art project, called Reconnecting to the Bow, was originally launched 10 years ago in 2014 under the name Varying Proximities.

The team behind it says the timing seemed right to bring it back.

“Record number of people floating down the Bow, paddling down the Bow, swimming down the Bow, connecting to the Bow, but also water is in the news – we are under water restrictions again,” said Greg Burbidge with Calgary Arts Development.

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