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Relegation Return? Competition format a talking point at Brier [Video]

Prince Edward Island News

Numerous blowout games. A 6-2 team missing the playoff cut. No tiebreakers.

The 18-team format at the Brier has had its share of critics even though six strong teams made it to the playoff round at Prospera Place in Kelowna, B.C.

Six-time Brier champion Brad Gushue went one step further after round-robin play concluded by suggesting that relegation — a much-criticized qualification round that was only used for a few years — be considered again.

“I think it would be worth a discussion,” Gushue said. “I’m not advocating for it but I think that’s the best option that’s been shared with me that gets us back to that full round-robin that I used to love playing and I think the fans (loved).

“It gets the best teams there. It’s worth talking about.”

Relegation format

In the relegation format, which Curling Canada called a “pre-qualifying” stage when it was used from 2015-17, the …

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