Saskatchewan News

Renowned Saskatchewan sculptor Victor Cicansky dies at 90 [Video]

Acclaimed Saskatchewan artist Victor Cicansky, famed for his sculptures of everyday garden produce including canned vegetables and ceramic outhouses, has died. He was 90.

Cicansky was born in Regina in 1935 to Romanian parents and spent his early years learning to garden.

That passion for the garden became his life’s work, with Cicansky creating colourful glazed clay sculptures of the fruits and vegetables he grew.

“He was special. Right from the get go I thought this guy is amazing,” said Regina artist Wilf Perreault, himself a nationally acclaimed artist most famous for his paintings of back alleys.

Victor Cicansky’s sculpture Flat Prairie Pantry. (Joyner Waddington)

Cicansky’s early career was spent teaching elementary and high school.

During those years Cicansky enrolled in a pottery class, which led him to a ceramic residency at the Haystack Mountain School of Crafts in Maine and then to the University of California, where he received a master’s in fine arts, according to the …

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