Heather Exner-Pirot on Canada
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Residents of Manotick want city to reroute trucks [Video]

Canadian National News

Residents of Manotick, a village in south Ottawa, are calling for an end to the steady stream of trucks passing through their community.

The village’s main roads are part of the city’s designated truck route. Hundreds of large vehicles travel east and west across the Rideau River every day; however, the heavy traffic is raising concerns among locals, who describe the trucks as loud, dangerous, and unnecessary.

“I almost got killed here last summer,” says resident, Jim Sproule. “I was on my mountain bike, crossing the bridge, and it was a flatbed truck that came by me and kept coming, pushing me more and more over to the side to the sidewalk. I wasn’t on the sidewalk. I was on the road and I just had to stop because he was going to run over me.”

Approximately 800 trucks cross the intersection at Manotick Main Street and Bridge Street each …

Icy Crossroads? Comparing American and Canadian security strategies in the Arctic
Icy Crossroads? Comparing American and Canadian security strategies in the Arctic
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