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Sask. Christmas card exchange between friends spans 60 years [Video]

Saskatchewan News

What started out as a little holiday fun between two Regina friends has turned into a tradition that now spans six decades.

In 1964, Carol and Bob Kadash mailed a Christmas card to their friend Richard Stobart. The next year, Stobert mailed his gifted card back to the Kadash’s, beginning their long-running tradition.

“Christmas, we always kept in touch. We always sent those cards back and forth with a little letter and kind of holidays what was going on and it has carried on all these years,” Carol told CTV News.

Stobert now lives in Calgary and he’s happy the cards haven’t been lost in the mail at any point over the course of the past 60 years.

“I have been transferred several times. The card has followed us all around the country and shows up every year,” he explained.

2024 will mark the 60th year the two cards have …

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