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Saskatchewan charities left with questions following tax season extension announcement [Video]

Canadian National News

The Saskatoon Community Foundation (SCF) has its eyes on Ottawa after the federal government announced that the deadline for making donations in the 2024 tax year will be extended.

Jen Pederson from the SCF is unsure how the government will move forward with the plan.

“There are so many question marks around. Around the state of Parliament and when this proposal could be officially enacted into legislation,” said Pederson.

The final day of the tax year would have typically fallen on December 31, 2024 but the Government of Canada aims to move the date to February 28, 2025 for charitable donations.

The hope is that extending the deadline by almost two months will lessen the impact of the four-week Canada Post strike.

“If something doesn’t land in [a charity’s] mailbox until into next week, they can say, oh, well, the check is dated sometime in December,” said Pederson.

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