Canadian National News

Saskatchewan NDP Leader reflects on 2024 and what’s ahead [Video]

After making significant gains in the recent provincial election, Saskatchewan NDP Leader Carla Beck reflected on the year’s achievements and challenges.

Beck spoke with CTV News Regina’s Lee Jones in a year in review special that can be seen on the video player above.

The provincial NDP claimed 27 seats in Saskatchewan’s election held on Oct. 28, almost double the number of seats the party had previously.

Beck said she attributes a focus on outreach to much of the success her party has seen this year.

“Sitting down with people, meeting them, where they’re at, really connecting on the things they get. Maybe they have frustration about something that happened in the past, but also focusing on the things that are going on in their communities and their families right now, looking at where the challenges are, but also opportunity,” she explained.

Healthcare remains one of the biggest issues facing …

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