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Saskatchewan teachers discuss binding arbitration in consultation process [Video]

Saskatchewan News

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation says it is undergoing a member consultation process regarding the use of binding arbitration to reach a new provincial collective bargaining agreement.

Much of the information around the consultation process isn’t being shared by the Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation (STF) while the process is underway, but said it focused on two possible paths forward.

“One of which involves the use of binding arbitration to resolve two outstanding issues: class complexity-accountability framework and teachers’ wages,” the STF release said.

The STF said the Government-Trustee Bargaining Committee revised its offer on June 8 to include a class complexity-accountability framework and wages.

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Global News reached out to the Ministry of Education asking if the binding arbitration offer had been revised, but was told through a statement that it had not.

“There is no new binding arbitration offer. Government has and continues to offer binding arbitration on matters of wages and an accountability framework/classroom supports. Binding arbitration represents the …

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