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Saskatoon city councillor raises issue with democratic process, clerk apologizes [Video]

Saskatchewan News

Before Saskatoon city council unanimously approved the budget, a fiery discussion about the democratic process dominated chambers.

It started with Ward 5 Councillor Randy Donauer questioning why the wording of his motion changed from when it was proposed Monday night.

“I’ve never seen the administration take a motion that’s been moved and seconded and just change it. I’d like to actually know how that happened,” Donauer said during the meeting.

“That’s way, way inappropriate.”

City Clerk Adam Tittemore admitted to editing a live document, outside of a public meeting, and changing a motion that had yet to be voted on.

“I absolutely take responsibility for that. Apologies for the way it transpired,” Tittemore told council.

Tittemore said there was a request from the finance department to amend Donauer’s motion, related to parking revenue, to be more clear. Changes were made, without council being consulted.

“I didn’t necessarily oppose the wording changes that were made. …

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