Quebec News

Senior Quebec church leader resumes role after six-month leave due to abuse claims [Video]

Cardinal Gérald Lacroix announced on Monday he is resuming his duties as archbishop of Quebec City, after a Vatican-mandated investigation released in May found no evidence tying the senior church leader to sexual misconduct allegations.

Lacroix, 66, had taken a six-month absence beginning in late January when the abuse allegations first surfaced as part of a class-action lawsuit against the Quebec City diocese for alleged historical sexual abuse cases.

In response to those claims, Pope Francis mandated retired Quebec judge André Denis to investigate. And while the alleged victim did not participate in the probe, Denis announced in May that his investigation didn’t exonerate Lacroix but failed to uncover any evidence that would justify a canonical trial.

In the weeks since Denis’s report, Lacroix and others accused in the class action have requested intervener status, which will allow them to make submissions before the court. A ruling is pending in …

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