One of two men who became the faces of a blockade at a key Alberta border crossing in 2022 offered a public apology Thursday at the end of sentencing arguments.
“As one of the protesters, I understand that our actions, well intended to voice our concerns on important issues, adversely affected the daily lives of many in Milk River and Coutts. For this I am sincerely sorry,” said Gerhard (George) Janzen at the end of the day, reading from a prepared statement.
“I acknowledge that during our protests, laws were broken. This was not in line with our intentions to promote change through peaceful and lawful means.”
Janzen, Marco Van Huigenbos and a third man — Alex Van Herk — were found guilty last year of mischief over $5,000 for their actions at the protest over COVID-19 measures and vaccine mandates.
The sentencing hearing went ahead for Van Huigenbos and …